You searched for minions - Bedtimeshortstories Free Bedtime Stories & Short Stories for Kids Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:15:30 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 You searched for minions - Bedtimeshortstories 32 32 Mickey, Minnie and the Gingerbread House Tue, 01 Nov 2016 10:32:34 +0000 This is one of the awesome Disney stories online. Once upon a time, in a small village lived a poor apprentice named Mickey. He worked for the village blacksmith. The blacksmith was a mean person and the work was hard. The only reason Mickey decided to remain in the village was for Minnie. Minnie worked at village baker’s shop. The baker was just as mean as the blacksmith. Minnie too was poor. The blacksmith and the baker used to be kind. They used to be wealthy too. Read more about Mickey Mouse And Minnie Mouse.

But one day, a witch had shown up in the village. The witch was a wicked one! She stole the baker and the blacksmith’s money. Along with all their money, the witch stole their hearts as well. Now, the blacksmith and the baker had become heartless and mean. So, they made Minnie and Mickey work for long hours. Nothing seemed to make them happy.

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“Oh!” Mickey sighed one day, “How nice they used to be!” remembering the days when the blacksmith and the baker used to be good people. “I hope things go back to being the way they used to be!” Minnie wished. Mickey and Minnie remembered and wished, but nothing ever changed.

One day, Mickey came up with an idea. He asked Minnie to run away with him. “Our lives would be better without them!” he said. Minnie agreed at once! That night, Mickey and Minnie sneaked out of their homes. And they ran! They ran towards the deep forest. You may also like, Minion Series!

It was dark they could hardly see where they were walking. They fell and stumbled through the dark woods for hours and hours. Their stomachs started growling due to hunger. They were about to stop and rest when Minnie saw something. “Mickey!” she called. “Look! Look! A cottage!” she cried with a great relief. As they walked and came closer to the house they gasped. The house was made of gingerbread!

“Do you think… we could eat a part of it?” Minnie asked. “I am so hungry!” “I think so,” replied Mickey. He took a piece out of windowsill. It was tasty! It was made out of sugar. He eagerly took out another piece and began eating. Slowly the door squeaked open. At the door stood an old woman, she smiled at them. “Come in, little ones,” she invited them inside the house. “You two must be very tired and hungry. There is a lot to eat!”

Mickey and Minnie followed the kind old lady happily. They were relieved to find a place to rest and eat. The house smelt delicious and warm. That night, the old woman made the most wonderful meal Mickey and Minnie had ever tasted! There was a turkey and a lot of fresh vegetables. The meal was followed by all sorts of delicious cakes. “This is the best meal!” they cried happily.

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The kind old woman let them eat till their stomachs were full. The enormous meal made the both of them extremely happy. Their eyelids started drooping. The old lady noticed this and said, “You two must be sleepy. You can be my guests and sleep here tonight.” So, the old lady took them up to a room. It was warm and cozy. She tucked both of them in comfortable beds. And before they knew it, Mickey and Minnie drifted off to their pleasant dreamlands.

But when Mickey woke up the next morning, he could tell something was terribly wrong. He soon found out that he was locked up in a cage. Minnie had been put to work. She was in the kitchen mixing dough for the old lady. The old lady, who had been so kind and gentle the other night had turned into a bitter and rude old woman.

The old woman looked at Mickey and said, “Once I will feed you and make you fat. And once you are fat, I will turn you into a pie!” She then laughed wickedly. Mickey stared at her in disbelief! He could not believe that she had tricked them. The Old woman was an evil witch! “Knead the dough properly!” she ordered Minnie. And as soon as Minnie was done with the dough, she ordered her to do something else. “Light the oven!” she shouted.

Minnie did not know how to, so she said to the witch, “the baker has always done that herself. I do not know how to light an oven.” When the old witch heard of the baker, she began laughing. Then she said, “I remember the baker, the blacksmith too. Do they miss their fortunes too much?”

“You-,” Minnie suddenly realized, “you are the witch who stole their fortunes and kindness!” Minnie knew something had to be done about the witch. She waited for the right moment to make her move. When Minnie saw that the old witch’s back was turned towards her, she pushed the witch. The witch fell down the cold oven. Minnie slammed the oven shut.

Minnie quickly unlocked Mickey’s cage and set him free. “We can run away now!” Mickey told Minnie. But before they ran out of the house, they shoved a table against the oven door. The witch was securely trapped now. They decided to go the witch’s attic.

There they found the hearts of the blacksmith and the baker. They also found their fortunes. Mickey and Minnie took all of the fortunes and both the hearts and ran out of the gingerbread house. They hurried back home. Once, they reached the village, they returned all the wealth to their owners as well as their hearts.

So, the blacksmith, the baker, Mickey and Minnie lived happily ever after. Also read, Mickey Mouse Bedtime Story!

Here is a visual depiction of one of the amazing disney stories online, “Mickey, Minnie, And The Gingerbread House Story”. See the video story below,

     Disney Stories Online Story Video

Noddy Goes To Toyland Story (Part-1) Tue, 18 Oct 2016 04:45:14 +0000 This is the Noddy Goes To Toyland Story. In the woods near Toyland, Big-Ears was furiously riding his little red bicycle. He suddenly crashed into someone. Down they fell and the bicycle landed on them with a loud crash! Read more about Noddy here!

Big-Ears had big pointed ears and wore red-striped pants. He then saw who he had bumped into. “You’re a strange looking man,” Big-Ears told him staring, “What are you? You don’t look like a pixie or a brownie or a goblin.” Big-Ears was confused. He had not seen anyone like this little man. “No,” was all he said, nodding his head. Big-Ears then asked him if he was a toy? He again said no. The strange man’s head nodded again. Big-Ears was not sure what to make of this man. And he found his nodding head quite peculiar. He asked him, “Why do you nod your head when you say ‘No’?” You may also like to read, Finding Dory.

noddy goes to toyland

noddy goes to toyland Image Source–>

The little nodding man then explained that his head was made out of wood. And it was attached to his shoulders in such a manner that it nodded when he spoke. The little man then added that it nodded even when he didn’t want it to.

Suddenly, a mouse ran past the little man. He became very scared. The little man asked Big-Ears who was that. “Is it following me?” He asked, frightened. Big-Ears said, “It’s just a field mouse. Is somebody following you?” The little man told Big-Ears that he had run away that is why he thought that somebody was following him.

“I belong to an Old-carver, who lives in the woods,” the little man told him. Big-ears was surprised and asked him why he ran away. The little man said that he became very lonely there. And also because the old man was carving a lion. “See, I do not like lions very much.” Out of curiosity, Big-Ears asked how he was made.

The strange man began his story, “He first made wooden feet and then wooden legs. Then the Old Carver made a round body of wood. And then arms and legs of wood too! Then a wooden neck and a round wooden head.” “What are your eyes made of?” Big-Ears asked.

The little man told him that the eyes were made of blue beads and his hair was made out of bits of fur. The had come from the Old Man Carver’s cat. Big-Ears was very amused at this. Big-Ears did not understand why the little man ran away. So he asked him why he chose to run. The strange man told him, “I want to go somewhere where there are lots of people! I want live with people.” You may also like to read about, Minions!

noddy goes to toyland

noddy goes to toyland Image Source–>

Big-Ears told him that he was going to Toyland. Toyland was a place where all the toys lived together. Big-Ears told him, that since the little man wasn’t a brownie or a goblin, he would be welcomed there. Big-Ears also told the little man, that he could come with him to Toyland if he wanted to. “But I do not know the way,” the little mad said sadly.

Big-Ears told him not to worry as Big-Ears knew the way. If they hurried to the nearby station they could catch a train to Toyland. The little man was very happy. Then Big-Ears helped the strange man on his bicycle and told him to hold tight. Big-Ears paddled him a bicycle with all his might and raced towards the train station. The poor little wooden man almost fell off a few times.

While riding his bicycle, Big-Ears asked the little man what was his name. To that, the little man said he did not have a name! “I think your name is Noddy,” Big-Ears said after a lot of thought. “I think it is,” said Noddy happily.

Noddy and Big-Ears could hear the train whistling nearby. They hurried to the train station. Soon they rode into the station at top speed, just in time for the train. The train was thundering in. “All aboard for Toyland! All aboard for Toyland!” cried a voice on top of all the noise.

The Minions (Part 4): Evil Scarlet Returns Sun, 10 Apr 2016 07:14:50 +0000 This is the fourth part of The Minions short story. Scarlet saw the news on television and gets very angry. She hasn’t forgotten about the minions. One day, as Bob sits for his official royal portrait, Scarlet storms in. “How dare you? You stole my dream! I was going to conquer England someday! There was going to be the coronation and i was going to be made queen. Every moment was planned. I would wear a dress so sparkly it glowed and everyone who ever doubted me would be watching and they would be crying! I was going to be he picture of elegance and class. But you screwed it.”  she yells flushed with anger.

Bob feels terrible. He knows Scarlet is right. A minion’s job is to serve evildoers, not take over their plans! He removes the crown from his head and offers it to his boss. “La crowna para tu,” he says. “No! No! No! King Bob. You can’t just  give up the throne. There are laws,” says the royal adviser. “Laws? Bob maka te laws!” says Bob.

the minions

The minions

In the final act as King, Bob heads to England’s Parliament to write a new rule. From this moment on, Scarlet Overkill will be England’s new evil Queen. Bob pounds his gave! “La keena pota Scarlet popapail!” he says, presenting her with the royal crown. “I don’t know what to say! I just want to thank the minions! I couldn’t done this without them. Kevin, Stuart and Bob you have stolen not just England, but my heart!” says Scarlet.

The reign of King Bob draws to a close. It is the shortest rule of any monarch in the history of the world. But Bob does not despair. He was a king for all of eight days, but he will be the Minion for life. Bob, Stuart, and Kevin looked forward to being Scarlet’s henchmen again.

Somehow, Bob, Stuart and Kevin managed to convey the message to all the Minions to the Minionland about their new home. All the minions finally got a new master and all the minions shifted to their new home, that is, Buckingham Palace, in London. All the playful minions stayed together and they lived happily ever after.


King Bob Minions Story Sun, 10 Apr 2016 07:06:03 +0000 This is the King Bob minions short story for kids. Bob, the sweet little minion, and henchman of Scarlet Overkill, is now the King of England. Instead of stealing the royal crown for Scarlet, Bob is now wearing it himself! He is escorted to his new palace home in the limousine with Kevin and Stuart by his side.

Also, read the Minions story (Part 1): Finding The Master

A royal adviser opens the door and welcomes all to the Buckingham Palace. Bob peeks out from the window and sees the row of guards in their official uniforms. Bob is intimidated and makes a request. A moment later, Bob steps out of his limousine. The guards are now all dressed in yellow and wearing denim overalls, just like Minions. Bob sighs happily, “Aww Buddies!” He gives each guard a hug.

king bob minions

king bob minions

It’s time for King Bob’s royal address. Bob walks out onto an enormous balcony. Thousands of people are gathered below, waiting to hear their new leader’s wise and thoughtful words! Bob looks around, clears his throat blinks a few times, and says nothing. “KING BOB!” he shouts at last. The crowd erupts in cheers. Bob delivers a long speech in Minionese but the crowd looks on in confusion. So he shrugs and yells, “KING BOB!” The crowd goes wild again.

Back inside the palace, the minions make themselves right at home. Bob slides down the Banister of the grand staircase. Kevin plays polo while riding a royal dog. Stuart takes a long soak in the palace spa. With so many fancy things to use and royal perks to enjoy, the minions nearly forgot all about Scarlet Overkill. Bob and his friends are really happy and wish that all the minions come here and play polo together.

king bob minions

king bob minions

Also, read Despicable Me Minions (Part 2): The Journey To Crown
Minions story (Part 1): Finding The Master Sun, 10 Apr 2016 06:53:35 +0000 This is a short Minions story. There are millions of Minions in the Minionland. They are always in the search of their masters. They love to work for their masters. Without the master, the minions have no purpose as they become aimless and depressed. One of the minions, Kevin steps forward and decides to go in search of their new master. Along  with Kevin, Stuart and Bob also decide to go with their dear friend. Three of them are leaving from minionland and are feeling proud.

Stuart, Ben and Kevin are minions on a mission. They are starting their journey by travelling through the surf boat. It is going to be a very long journey. After a day or so, Stuart is feeling hungry now. Stuart is licking Kevin and Bob as he is imagining them to be the banana.He is now imagining  They are looking for the world’s biggest, worst villain to serve. They manage to reach England after many days.  At long last, after many years of searching the minions find the perfect master, Scarlet Overkill, the most famous criminal mastermind of her generation!

minions story

minions story –

Scarlet brings the Minions to her castle in London. She shows them a picture of Queen Elizabeth and told them to steal the crown of her. She says, “Get me the crown and all your wishes will come true!” The minions are excited about their mission.

Scarlet sends them to Herb’s lab to pick some gadgets for robbery. Herb is Scarlet’s husband. He is also an evil inventor. “So you are here for gear!” he says as they enter his lab. Herb distributes the gadgets  to all the three minions. Bob gets far off stretch suit, Kevin gets Lava- lamp gun and Stuart gets the coolest invention, Hypno- Hat. The minions are all set for their first task. Scarlett says, “You can do this! Make me proud Minions!”

Despicable Me Minions (Part 2): The Journey To Crown Sat, 09 Apr 2016 05:18:29 +0000 This is the second part of Despicable Me Minions short story. Bob, Kevin and Stuart are very excited for their first mission. By using the brilliant disguise, the minions sneak into the tower of London, where the crown is kept. They work as a team using Herb;s evil gadgets along the way. Stuart hypnotises all the guards by the Hypno- Hat, Kevin blasts the door with his Lava- Lamp Gun. “Topalino la crowna!” Kevin says. The crown is in it’s case in front of them.

Bob uses his stretch suit to cut through the top of the metal case, opening it like a can opener. He reaches in, and in is gloved hand grazes the crown’s sparkly jewels. Only a few more inches and Scarlet’s heist will be complete. But just as Bob is about to wrap his fingers around the treasure the crown starts moving as it’s being taken to the queen.

despicable me minions

Despicable me minions Image Source

The queen’s guards are carrying the crown to her carriage. They place it on her head. The crown is getting farther and farther away from the minions. Suddenly, Bob activates his stretch suit’s legs. He grabs Kevin and Stuart and tosses them onto the carriage. Kevin tries to steer the carriage while Stuart attempts to snatch the crown from the queen’s head. The carriage gets out of control but Bob somehow manages with his stretch suit and save the carriage from falling into the river Thames but it crashes with a big tree!

As the dust settles, Stuart grabs the crown from the queen. But policemen arrive and immediately chase after the Minions. They tackle Kevin and Stuart but Bob keeps running! Bob runs all the way to the Sword in the stone! He grabs the sword’s handle hoping the sword will scare away the policemen. He doesn’t know that according to the sword legend, only the one true king can pry it from the stone! Miraculously, he gives it a tug, and pulls it loose!

The crowd gasps! Even the police officers are stunned. “It can’t be! The legend has been fulfilled,” a man exclaims. The one to remove the sword from the stone will be named as England’s leader. “The bald yellow child is our new King! YOUR MAJESTY!” everyone says dropping their knees. “Uh scusa!” says Bob excitedly.

despicable me minions

despicable me minions


