A Sailor Went to Sea is a children’s nursery rhyme, clapping game, and jump-rope rhyme. It was initially named as ‘My Father Went to Sea’. But in later times, it became popular as ‘A Sailor Went to Sea’. It is typically sung to the tune of The Sailor’s Hornpipe.

The song was first recorded by Lona Opie in Birmingham in 1972. Also, there are many different versions of this rhyme. This rhyme helps the children in identifying various animals. Here is one for you. Read and sing along! Also, read Row Row Row Your Boat.

a sailor went to sea Image Source @www.youtube.com

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A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the yellow fish swimming in the sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the funny pig skipping in the sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the friendly cow jumping in the sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what she could see, see, see
But all that she could see, see, see
Was the nice spider spinning in the sea, sea, sea.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the friends gathering in the sea, sea, sea.


In this rhyme, a sailor has gone inside the sea to find what he could see inside. At first, he finds nothing but deep blue sea. As he went deeper, he sees a yellow fish swimming in the sea. Next, he sees a funny pig skipping in the sea. As he gets down and down, he sees a friendly cow jumping in the sea. After the cow, he sees a spider who is spinning inside the sea. At last, he sees that all the animal friends are gathering and enjoying under the sea. You may also like to read, Rain Rain Go Away Poem.