This is one of the great bible stories for kids named Three Wise Men. Far away in the east, three wise kings had seen the beautiful star shining brightly over Bethlehem. King Gasper, King Melchior, and King Balthazar knew that it was the sign from god. They decided to follow it. They traveled to Jerusalem to find the child who would become the king of Jews. All of them wanted to honor him. Read more about, The Three Kings!
They traveled all their way on the camel for many days over mountains, over deserts and over white open plains. But no matter what, they always followed the bright star in the sky.
three wise men Image Source–>
When King Herod heard about this, he was afraid that he would lose his Kingdom. So, he told the wise men, “Tell me when you find this child so that I can honor him too!” They keep on following the bright star which finally stopped on Bethlehem. The wise men were overjoyed to see that they had finally reached their destination.
They entered the house and saw the little child with Mary. Knowing that Jesus was the son of god, they all knelt down in front of him. They have come with a lot of valuable gifts for their lord. They opened the treasure chest and offered him precious gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You may also like to read, Birth Of Jesus.
When they left from the house that night, they did not back to King Herod. They were warned in their dream not to do this. So, they traveled back to their home by another road. One night, yet again, Joseph saw an angel in his dream. The angel warned him, “Hurry to Egypt and save the child! Herod wants to kill the child and the lord needs to be saved.”
That very night, Mary and Joseph along with Jesus left for Egypt. When King Herod died, an angel came to Joseph’s dream and said, “It is now safe to go back to Bethlehem with Jesus.” Soon, they shifted back to Bethlehem and that was the place where Lord Jesus grew up. Also read, Twas The Night Before Christmas Story.
Here is a visual depiction of, “Three Wise Men Story”. See the video story below,